Affiliate Program


Become a Flexi Rep Wholesaler and receive an Affiliate link for free. You'll receive up to 40% commission rate on your monthly personal customer sales volume. Lilla Rose offers one of the highest commission plans in the Affiliate industry to those who register as a Flexi Rep Wholesaler and place their first order as a wholesaler.


Affiliate Marketing FAQ

Affiliate marketing allows you to promote a company’s products and receive a percentage of the sales as a result.  It is typically considered a key part of modern digital marketing. While revenue-sharing is not a new marketing concept, modern affiliate marketing usually refers to online digital marketing in which affiliates link to a business's product or service online and receive a percentage of sales or web traffic

  • • The Lilla Rose Affiliate link is provided to those who sign up as a Wholesaler and place their first order.
  • • The Affiliate creates a custom unique URL, which the Affiliate uses when sharing Lilla Rose products.
  • • The links are unique to each individual Affiliate and the system easily tracks and credits the Affiliate who made the sale.
  • Anyone in good standing with Lilla Rose, who signs up to be Flexi Rep Wholesaler and agrees to our policies and procedures and is accepted can be an Affiliate.
  • A Lilla Rose Flexi Rep can be a Flexi Rep and an Affiliate concurrently.

Lilla Rose Affiliates are paid a commission rate per sale. The more an Affiliate sells each month, the more commission they will earn. See the Affiliate Commission Plan for details.

It is important to enter in your preferred method of payment upon signing up to become a Lilla Rose Affiliate. Otherwise, commissions cannot be paid out in a timely manner. Affiliates can update their payment details after logging into their BixGrown account.

This varies, based on the Affiliate type and sales. 

  • When you register as a Wholesale Flexi Rep and are accepted, you can receive commissions up to 40% on your customer orders.

You’ve likely seen examples of affiliate marketing before, even if you didn’t realize it. The most effective affiliate marketing tends to be paired with quality content that the audience enjoys and finds useful. Affiliates who take the time to show they are trustworthy, by highlighting quality products they believe in, are more likely to inspire their viewers to make a purchase. Quality and relevance sells. Being authentic, trustworthy and relatable matters.

  • Affiliates can promote Lilla Rose products through content like social media posts, blogs, videos, and more.
  • Affiliates can also share the products in person and distribute their unique URL using business cards and other marketing materials.
  • Blogging can help Affiliates rank in search engine results and can drive traffic to the Affiliate’s unique URL. Some Affiliates create their own blogs and content, others seek out bloggers to partner with.
  • Reviews, tutorials, how-tos, and other valuable content helps Affiliates promote the products and increase sales.
  • Influencer Marketing: partnering with popular Influencers can help Affiliates promote the products and increase sales.
  • Email Marketing: the return for your investment through email marketing is high. Creating valuable content for your email list and sharing your Affiliate link can increase sales. Every few emails, you can also highlight the products.

Being a successful Lilla Rose Affiliate takes time, commitment and comes with many benefits. 

  • Low start-up risk and low investment. There is no cost to sign up to become an Affiliate that strictly markets online, no fee for the website and no required inventory to purchase. 
  • Affiliates have great flexibility to work where and when they desire. You can work anywhere as long as you have an internet connection. And even when you do not, you can share the products and your URL using marketing materials. 
  • As an Affiliate, selling through your unique Lilla Rose URL, our customer service team handles the customer returns and any issues on your behalf.
  • Sign up as an Affiliate online

  • Learn more about Affiliate Marketing on our website and through our offered trainings.
  • Familiarize yourself with your favorite Lilla Rose products and start sharing what you love about them! 
  • Grow your networks, personal blog traffic, social media audience, and customer lists.